Rolla Library is a joint Public/School Library we service the public and our PreK – 12th grade school. If you need directions please follow this map. The library offers translation services for our Spanish speaking patrons.
Phone : 620-593-4328
Fax : 620-593-4276
- Toni Jones Bressler-Morton County Library 620-697-2025
- Phoebe Brummett – Morton County Librarian-Rolla Branch-
- Hannah Dunn-Rolla School

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Thank you so much for featuring my latest book, Tangled Webs, in your new book announcement earlier this month. I was honored to be in such great company! 🙂
Hello. Do you know if any photos/images of Rolla during the Civil War exist?
Kirk Dawdy
Reference Librarian
Woodstock Public Library (IL)
Our small town here in Kansas is in the Southwest part of the state and our town is just barely over 100 years old, so we would not of been around during the Civil War. The way I understand it most of this part of Kansas, SE Colorado, the Oklahoma Panhandle, and the Texas Panhandle were settled in the late 1800s. They gave the settlers 2 quarters of land or 320 acres to finally get people to come out here. Then of course we were the center of the Dust Bowl but that is another story altogether. Perhaps you are thinking of Rolla, Missouri? Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hello, Rolla!
I am doing the Adult Summer Reading Program in Pagosa Springs, CO. They have a series of “bingo” cards that we use to challenge us to get outside, use new websites, explore local history, oh, and read!! One of the things to do this time was to visit the library website from our hometown. I’m so glad! I’m impressed with the book club selections! I think I’ll read a few of them myself. I’ve been in the library and I think you’re doing a wonderful job. Blessings! Valarie (Perkins) Quick
Hello. We recently relocated to Rolla. I have three children 7,5, and 2. We homeschool. I was wondering about getting library cards and other children’s programming. Is it possible to sign my girls up for an Accelerated Reader account through the library as we are homeschooling?
Hi, Erin! I apologize for just now getting back with you about this. I would be happy to help you with getting library cards. I will be in the library on Monday if you would like to give me a call at 620-593-4328. I can set up your library cards via the phone. I will be able to open to the public next week. I am in the process of learning more about how I can handle the summer reading program and I will message you or email you when I have more information about that. The public library is open Mondays and Wednesdays most generally. The school portion of the library is open to the school every day, but the public library part is not. I am looking forward to talking with you and helping you sign up for library cards.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words.
I am trying to find an image of the Wilburton School back in 1920 – 1940. Would you happen to have one?
I will have to look in the History book to see if there is one there. I’ll try to send one if I can find one!